首页 -- 精彩范文 -- 精彩范文 -- 航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(E23)
exchange of air 换气
exchange of communications 交换函电
exchange of foreign money 外币对换
exchange of heat 热交换
exchange rate change 汇率变化
exchange rate fluctuation 汇率波动
exchange rate gains 汇率收益
exchange rate 汇兑换算表
exchange rate 汇兑率
exchange rate 外汇率
exchange restriction 外汇限制
exchange settlement for letter of credit 信用证结汇
exchange settlement 结汇
exchange table 汇兑换算表
exchange 兑换
exchange 兑换率
exchange 兑换外币交易外币交易所
exchange 交换
exchange 交换;兑换率;交易所;外汇
exchange 交换兑换交易
exchange 交换兑换率交易所外汇交换机
exchange 交换机
exchange 外汇交易
exchange-over valve 转换阀
exchangeable 可交换的
exchanged heat 交换热
exchangequotation 外汇时价
exchanger counter 外币兑换处
exchanger 交换机
exchanger 交换器
exchanger 转换装置
exchanging 交换的
excise 消费税;收货物税;切开
excise 消费税收货物税切开
excitation anode 激励阳极
excitation build-up 励磁起建
excitation circuit 励磁电路
excitation curve 励磁曲线
excitation effect 激励效应
excitation flux 励磁通量
excitation loss 励磁损失
excitation mechanism 励磁机构
excitation motor-generator set 励磁电动发电机组
excitation regulator 励磁调节器
excitation source 励磁电源
excitation system 激励系统
excitation voltage 励磁电压
excitation winding 励磁绕组
excitation 激励
excitation 激励励磁
excitation 励磁
excite 励磁
excite 励磁励激
excite 励激
excited ion 受激离子
excited oscillation 激励振荡
excited state 受激状态
excited 励磁的
exciter bulb 激励灯泡
exciter circuit 励磁电路
exciter commutator 励磁机换向器
exciter lamp 激励灯
exciter panel 励磁盘
exciter selsyn 激励自动同步机
exciter set driving motor 励磁机组驱动电动机
exciter set 励磁机组
exciter tube 激励管
exciter 激励器
exciter 励磁机激励器
exciter 励磁机激励器励磁器
exciter 励磁机激励器主控振荡器辐射器主控振荡槽路
exciterless generator 自励发电机
exciterless 无励磁机的
exciting advance 励磁超前
exciting amplifier 激励放大器
exciting anode 激励阳极
exciting characteristic curve 励磁特性曲线
exciting circuit 励磁电路
exciting coil 励磁线圈
exciting converter 励磁变流机
exciting current 激磁电流
exciting current 励磁电流
exciting dynamo 励磁机
exciting field 励磁场
exciting force 激振力
exciting magnet 激励磁铁
exciting method 励磁方法
exciting phenomena 励磁现象
exciting plate 电极
exciting power 励磁功率
exciting voltage 励磁电压
exciting winding 励磁绕组激励线圈
exciting 励磁用的
exciton 激发子
excitor 激发器
excitor 激发器激磁机
excitron 激弧管激励管
excluded area 不准去的地区
excluded cargo 不准装的货物
excluded cargo 不准装货物
excluded ports 除外港口
excluded space 免除处所
excluded 不包括除外的
excluding interest 不包括利息
excluding 除外
excluding 扣除
exclusion clause 免责条款
Exclusion of Arrest and Detainment 拘捕和扣留除外
exclusion 不包括
exclusion 排斥
Exclusions of Hull Insurance 船舶保险除外责任
exclusive agent 独家代理
exclusive circuit 专用电路
exclusive economic zone 海里专管经济区专管经济区
exclusive economic zone 专管经济区
Exclusive Economic Zone 专属经济区
exclusive events 互斥事件
Exclusive Fishing Zone 专属渔区
Exclusive Liability of Cargo Transportation Insurance 货物运输保险除外责任
exclusive of loading and unloading 不包括装卸货
exclusive of loading and unloading 不包括装卸货装卸除外
exclusive of loading and unloading 装卸除外
exclusive OR 异-或逻辑
exclusive or 异或
exclusive right 专有权
Exclusive Risks 例外风险
Exclusive Sales 包销
exclusive surveyor 专任验船员
exclusive surveyor 专职检验员
exclusive use 专用
exclusive 除外的
exclusive 排他的
exclusive-OR gate 异-或门
excursion boat 游览船
excursion ferry 游览渡船
excursion vessel 旅游船
excursion 漂游
excursion 游览船
exdividend 无股息
exdock 码头交货
execute heading angle 操舵首向角
execute 执行
executed contract 已履行合同
executed rudder angle 执行舵角
executed 已生效已执行的
executed 已生效已执行已执行的
executed 已执行
execution command 执行指令
execution dead time 执行迟延时间
execution drawing 施工图
execution of contract 履行合同
execution of order 执行订单
Execution System 执行制度
execution time 执行时间
execution 实施
execution 完成
execution 执行
executive command 执行指令
executive development course 执行发展方针
executive device 执行装置
executive diagnostic system 执行诊断系统
executive division 总裁事务部
Executive Forfeit 执行罚
executive module 执行组件
executive officer 副舰长
executive officer 副舰长;执行官
executive officer 执行官
executive officer 主管值班
executive president 总裁
executive program 执行程序
executive routine 执行程序
executive routine 执行程序检验程序
executive system 执行系统
executive vice president 副总裁
executive 执行的
executor 执行人
executory contract 待履行合同
exemplar 样本例子
exempli gratia 例如
exempli gratia 例如例如
exempli gratic 例如
Exempt Items of Radioactive Substances 放射性物质的豁免物品
exempt pilot 非强制领航
exempt pilot 非强制引航
exempt 免除免疫的
exempted goods 免税货物
exempted space 豁免吨位
exempted space 免除丈量空间
exemption certificate 免除证书
Exemption from Liability by Abandonment 免责委付
exemption of duty 免税放行
Exemption of Liability of an International Freight Forwarder 国际货运代理的除外责任
Exemption of Liability of Carrier in the Carriage of Goods by Road 公路运输承运人免责事项
Exemption of Liability of Multi-modal Transport Operator 多式联运经营人免责事项
Exemption of Nautical Fault 航海过失
exemption 豁免
exemption 免除
exemption 免除豁免
Exemption 免责
exequatur 领事认可证书
exercise a seaboat's crew 救生艇水手操练
exercise area 演习区
exercise chart 练习海图
exercise due diligence 谨慎处理
exercise due diligence 谨慎处理克尽职责
Exercise Due Diligence 克尽职责
exercise 练习
exercise 练习;运用
exercise 练习运用
exercise 演习
exercise 运用
exergy balance of diesel 柴油机火用平衡
exergy efficiency of diesel 柴油机火用效率
exergy 火用
exeterior passageway 外通道
exfactory 工厂交货
exfoliation 剥落
exfoliation 落屑
exgratia payment 通融赔款
exhale 发散出蒸发
exhale 蒸发发散物发散出
exhale 蒸发发散物发散的
exhausion 排气
exhausion 排气排汽排出
exhaust advance 排气提前
exhaust advance 提前排气
exhaust air 排气
exhaust back pressure 排气背压
exhaust baffle 排气阻板
exhaust belt 排气总管
exhaust blower damper 抽风机调节门
exhaust blower discharge damper 抽风机排出口调节门
exhaust blower 抽风机
exhaust boiler 废气锅炉
exhaust branch pipe 排气支管
exhaust cam shaft 排气凸轮轴
exhaust cam 排气凸轮
exhaust casing 排气机壳
exhaust casing 排气机匣
exhaust cavity 排气穴
exhaust chamber 排气室
exhaust chest 排气室
exhaust chest 排气箱
exhaust close 排气口关闭
exhaust coefficient 排气系数
exhaust collector 排气集管
exhaust condition 排气状态
exhaust curve 排气曲线
exhaust cycle 排气循环
exhaust detonation 排气燃炸
exhaust diffusor 排气扩压器
exhaust duct 排气管道
exhaust ducting 排气管道
exhaust emission 废气排放
exhaust emission 废气污染
exhaust fan 排气风扇
exhaust feed heater 废汽给水加热器
exhaust flap 排气瓣
exhaust flap 排气挡板
exhaust fume 废气
exhaust fume 排烟
exhaust gas economizer 废气经济器
exhaust gas analysis 烟气分析
exhaust gas boiler change-over valve 废气锅炉转换阀
exhaust gas boiler 废气锅炉
exhaust gas change-over valve 废气转换阀
exhaust gas cleaning system 废气清洗系统
exhaust gas counter pressure 排气背压力
exhaust gas economiser 废气锅炉
exhaust gas economiser 废气节能器
exhaust gas economiser 废气预热器
exhaust gas economiser) 废气锅炉
exhaust gas emission 废气排放
exhaust gas feed heater 废气给水加热器
exhaust gas heat boiler 废气锅炉
exhaust gas heat exchanger 废气加热交换器
exhaust gas heater 废气加热器
exhaust gas monitoring system 排气监测系统
exhaust gas purification 废气净化
exhaust gas recirculation 废气再循环
exhaust gas silencer 排气消声器
exhaust gas silencer 排气消音器
exhaust gas switch-over valve 排气换向阀
exhaust gas system 排气系统
exhaust gas temperature after turbine 涡轮后废气温度
exhaust gas temperature comparator 排气温度比较器
exhaust gas temperature 废气温度排气温度
exhaust gas temperature 排气温度
exhaust gas turbine supercharger 废气涡轮增压器
exhaust gas turbine 废气轮机
exhaust gas turbine 废气透平
exhaust gas turbine 废汽透平
exhaust gas turbo-charger lubricating oil cooler 废气涡轮增压器润滑油冷却器
exhaust gas turbo-charger lubricating oil gravity tank 废气涡轮增压器润滑油重力柜
exhaust gas turbo-charging 废气涡轮增压
exhaust gas turbo-supercharger 废气涡轮增压器
exhaust gas waste-heat boiler 废气废热锅炉
exhaust gas economizer废气经济器排气
exhaust gas 排气
exhaust guide 排气导管
exhaust head 排气头
exhaust header 排气集管
exhaust heat recovery unit 废热回收装置
exhaust heat 排气热
exhaust heated 废气回热的
exhaust hose 排出软管
exhaust hose 排气软管
exhaust inlet 排气进口
exhaust jet stream 排气射流
exhaust lag 排气滞后
exhaust lap 排气余面
exhaust lap 排汽余面
exhaust lead 排气导程
exhaust line 排气管道
exhaust line 排气管路
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